Director or Leader? How to Gain Control of the Choir (and How to Give it Away)


  • Paul E. Guise Red Deer College,

Author Biography

Paul E. Guise, Red Deer College,

PAUL E. GUISE studied music at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, where he received his B.Mus. degree in saxophone, voice, and composition. He pursued further studies in theory and composition at the University of Western Ontario and completed his M.Mus. degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, where he focused on Canadian choral literature and group dynamics within the small choir. Most recently Paul completed his M.B.A. degree through Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. Current areas of research interest include group dynamics of the musical ensemble, needs assessment and curricular integration, quantitative analyses of singing, and other subjects related to the phenomenon of singing. Paul currently lives in Red Deer, Alberta, where he teaches and conducts in the Department of Music at Red Deer College. He is also active as a writer, composer, clinician, audio producer, and photographer.


