Introduction and background


  • Kirk Anderson Memorial University of Newfoundland


Senior Editor: Dr. Kirk Anderson, Faculty of Education, Memorial University
Associate Editors (2019-2024): Dr. Noel Hurley, Dr. Jan Buley, Prof. Rob Kelly. And Dr.
Jennifer Godfrey Anderson (2019-2022).
Founding Co-editors: Dr. Ishmael Baksh (retired) and Dr. Amarjit Singh (retired)
The Morning Watch was first published by the Faculty of Education at Memorial in the fall of
1973, with Dr. William J. Gushue, Dr. Ishmael J. Baksh, and Dr. Amarjit Singh serving as
editors. Gushue noted, “The birth of The Morning Watch is explained by the somewhat rapid
awakening of the Newfoundland consciousness. Indeed, that fact is reflected in the title of the
journal, in that it is the morning watch that precedes a new day -- a new and better era for
Newfoundland and its people.” (Society, Culture and Schooling, ed. Amarjit Singh and Ishmael


