

  • Kirk Anderson Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Kathy Snow University of Prince Edward Island


List of contributing authors.

Author Biographies

Kirk Anderson, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Kirk Anderson has a PhD focused on Educational Administration and is a Professor of Educational Administration, Memorial University of Newfoundland. His research is focused on leadership, schools effectiveness, and Indigenous success in schools. He is also a member of the University of the Arctic Indigenous Issues Committee.

Kathy Snow, University of Prince Edward Island

Kathy Snow is the academic lead of the Certificate in Educational Leadership in Nunavut (CELN) program at the University of Prince Edward Island as well as a Professor in the Faculty of Education. As a non-Inuit, originally from Nunavut, she endeavours to implement research as an act of reconciliation. Her work focuses on the factors impacting Inuit student success, persistence and well-being in formal education towards policy and curriculum change.


