Script for a critical reflection in audio-visual on:
The Future of Learning Environments
David Smart,
We live in an exciting new age of rapid global change with no sign of slowing down. Consequently, fundamental and rapid technological changes that are reshaping our world will motivate educational institutions to work towards meeting new economical, social and pedagogical demands (Tuomi, 2005). As a result, learning environments of the future will shift the educational paradigm from an industrialized teacher-centered statically authoritative prescribed knowledge process to a student-centered, creative, open and global forum (Rudd, Davia, and Sullivan, 2009). Of course change within established educational institutions will not occur rapidly or easily, but it is already in progress (Davidson and Goldberg, 2009).
Future learning environments will be inclusive learning spaces (Punie, Cabrera, Bogdanowicz, Zinnbauer and Navajas, 2006). Ubiquitous mobile communication devices, for example, promise to lead the way in changing the educational landscape (Rudd, et al., 2009). Affordability, popularity and versatility of mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets will make them an attractive tool for both educators and learners (Johnson, Adams, and Cummins, 2012 ). Studies have found that students enjoy the versatility and freedom mobile learning devices provide them (Chih-Kai, and Ching-Kun, 2011; Swan, Hooft, Kratcoski and Unger, 2005). Teachers and schools will use inexpensive, feature-rich mobile technologies to facilitate constructivist learning principles (Lan, Sung and Chan, 2009; Johnson et al., 2012 ). Mobile technologies will also promote lifelong learning opportunities alongside other wireless technologies (Punie et al., 2006). The future will be about learning anywhere, anytime with anyone (Punie et al., 2006).
Future learning environments will promote collaborative open networking that harnesses the strengths of peer review, information sharing, and divergent thinking among a global audience (Davidson and Goldberg, 2009). Such environments will encourage social networking that takes learning beyond classroom walls. These social networks will be highly mobile, flexible and innovative (Davidson and Goldberg, 2009). In the future, education will depend less on rigid hierarchical learning processes. Instead, learning will be peer to peer where digitized information is shared between learners in real time across wireless and mobile global social networks (Rudd et al., 2009). Teachers will remain in the periphery playing the role of coach and cheerleader (Mitra and Dangwal, 2010).
Meaningful, higher-order learning takes place when learners are active participants collaboratively solving relevant problems rather than passively receiving information to be stored and used at some later date (Cheaney and Ingebritsen, 2005). Blending online distance learning with face-to-face classroom time will be an ideal way for many learners of the future (Scripture, 2008). Understanding student learning needs is crucial to preparing effective problem-based learning (Scripture, 2008). Future learning environments will be tailored to match individual needs, providing students with relevant learning opportunities (Prince, Moyer, Scheerer, and Feltner, 2011). Learning analytics will assist teachers in real time on how to determine what those needs are, and organize lessons and assessment accordingly (Johnson, Adams, and Cummins, 2012).
Future learning environments will be creative, fun and student-centered spaces. Student-centric environments coupled with ICT tools promote critical thinking and creative problem solving skills (Punie et al., 2006). These learning spaces will be both virtual and physical, modeled on learner-centered principles (Punie et al., 2006). Virtual classrooms or multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) will offer learners' a safe space to actively participate within an array of interesting scenarios such as debating ethical issues, examinig theories or practicing what otherwise could be dangerous endeavors for novice students (Tuomi, 2005; Morrison and Dede, 2004). Researchers have already noted the learning benefits of massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), single-player computer simulation games and virtual playgrounds (Davidson and Goldberg, 2009). These computer enhanced environments will promote collaboration and improve active problem-solving skills. The 2012 NHC Horizon Report stated "open-ended, challenge-based, truly collaborative games are an emerging category of games that seems especially appropriate for higher education" (Johnson et al., 2012, p. 19). Meanwhile, physical classrooms will be places where students can congregate, collaborate and work towards solving meaningful problems using a variety of traditional and ICT tools.
Future learning environments will be "open and reflexive spaces" (Punie et al., 2006, p. 12). ICT tools will continue to provide easy and interesting ways for learners to connect, express themselves, share, and manage information (Rudd et al., 2009). With open learning environments, educators act as guides for students who are self-regulated, responsible, reflective life-long learners (Mitra and Dangwal, 2010). Learning environments will be open to diverse cultural and socio-economic groups (Rudd et al., 2009; Keengwe and Onchwari, 2009). The low cost of ICT equipment and software, especially mobile devices, and the affordability of distance education will provide educational opportunities to groups otherwise unable to participate (Greville Rumble, 2007). Future learning environments will be truly global in scope.
This vision of the future will not come to pass easily (Tuomi, 2005). Nevertheless, the tide of technological progress is quickly eroding traditional learning environments and constructing new ones. As ICTs continue to improve and drop in cost, learning environments will exist wherever learners wish them to be. Classrooms will evolve into open, flexible, learner-centered communities. Individuals will gravitate towards spaces sharing personally interests and goals. A future learner will construct knowledge that is meaningful to him or her as an individual or as part of a socially constructed network. A future student will navigate through ill-structured problems on his or her own, with a partner or as part of a group. These spaces, whether physical or virtual, will provide a diverse population with a safe setting to explore share and learn.
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