ATV Handlebar Impalement of the Upper Extremity: A Not So Humerus Case Report


  • Christopher Patey Emergency Medicine, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, Carbonear, NL, Canada
  • Ian Janes Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, Canada
  • Shane Stratton Emergency Medicine, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, Carbonear, NL, Canada
  • Robert Farrell General Surgery, Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, Carbonear, NL, Canada
  • Christina Young Carbonear Institute for Rural Reach and Innovation by the Sea (CIRRIS), Carbonear, NL, Canada


All-terrain vehicle (ATV) ownership in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada has been increasing over the past two decades, likely owing in part to the province’s predominantly rural geography. As such, accidents while operating these recreational vehicles have becoming increasingly common and are frequent presentations to rural emergency departments. Our case documents a healthy 59-year-old female who sustained a significant upper extremity penetrating injury sustained while operating a recreational ATV with important consideration for resource utilization and rural management pathways.



How to Cite

Patey, C., Janes, I., Stratton, S., Farrell, R., & Young, C. (2024). ATV Handlebar Impalement of the Upper Extremity: A Not So Humerus Case Report. Lithos - The Memorial University Medical Journal, 2(1), 16–20. Retrieved from