After Lisbon: A More Political European Union

Main Article Content

Brad R. King


This article argues that with the full implementation of the Lisbon Treaty - a process due to unfold over the next decade - the EU will become more politically integrated. It develops a model to determine degrees of EU political integration, asserting that the degree of integration is determined by the amount of individual member-state control in the decision-making process. It concerns policy areas of a political character with control being defined as the ability of individual member states to alter the outcome of the decision-making process. For the purpose of gauging control, the developed model outlines three ‘decision-making settings', which this article then uses to demonstrate that it is through the introduction of institutional changes that the fully implemented Lisbon Treaty increases EU political integration.

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Author Biography

Brad R. King, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Brad R. King is an undergraduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is in his third year of study in the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) program, with a major in Political Science. In April 2010 he was awarded, by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, the Gunther Hartmann Scholarship.