Precocious Posts, Perpetual Beginnings: Letter from the Editor-in-Chief


  • Peter Trnka Memorial University



Welcome to the collective global expression Janus Unbound. There are many taking part, from all over. Multiples of multitudes, cells of groups, in bubbles even. Possessed by no one. Coming together by chance, struggle, and always, though never equally, by suffering and trauma, in virtual common. Working as shadows in the shadows, collectively, forming and deforming cabinets, as needed. Speaking in poems and riddles, sometimes. In manifestos and research articles, also, and soon becoming-more-multimedic.

Author Biography

Peter Trnka, Memorial University

Peter Trnka is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Memorial University. He has taught at Karlova University, Prague as well as Toronto and York. He has published scholarly philosophical and transdisciplinary articles in various international journals, as well as poetry and a cookbook.


Bromwich, David. 2011. “Shelley’s Janus-Visaged Sublime: Creation, Destruction, and Stasis in ‘The Two Spirits-An Allegory,’ ‘Ode to the West Wind,’ and ‘The Triumph of Life’.” Yale University.

Marx, Karl. 1978. The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte in Robert C. Tucker, ed. The Marx-Engels Reader. 2nd edition. New York: Norton.

Said, Edward W. 1985. Beginnings: Intention and Method. New York: Columbia University Press.


