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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Read the Author Guidelines before preparing your submission.
  • The manuscript relates to the scope, focus and themes of the journal.
  • The submission is an original contribution that has not been published elsewhere, in any form.
  • All identifying information, including author’s name and references, has been removed from the manuscript.
  • Manuscript is between 4000-9000 words. (Shorter articles written by social work practitioners or people who use social work services may be considered.)
  • Cover page is provided, with all the information requested (see Author Guidelines on Cover Page), in Word format.
  • An abstract (maximum 200 words) and keywords (maximum 5) must be included at the beginning of the manuscript.
  • Manuscript is prepared double spaced using 12pt New Times Roman text. The manuscript is in Word or .rtf format.
  • Manuscript follows APA 7 reference style.  APA 7 layout is not required but APA 7 should be followed in terms of grammar, punctuation, citation and reference style.

Author Guidelines

Please contact the journal ( if you have queries after reading these Author Guidelines

Scope and originality

Only manuscripts that relate to the scope, focus, and themes of the journal will be considered for peer review.

All submissions must be original contributions that have not been published elsewhere in any form and are not currently under consideration elsewhere. However, the journal welcomes manuscripts based in whole or in part on the author’s previously unpublished doctoral dissertation.


Submission format

Manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (.rtf) files. Please do not submit PDFs. Please also submit a separate file as a Cover page (see below for details). Please do not use Word styles in the text. This will be done as part of editing and production if your article is accepted.

While you are not required to prepare the article itself in APA 7 layout, the grammar, punctuation, citations, and references must be prepared in APA 7 style.

Please use page numbers; please do not use line numbers.

Use 12 pt Times New Roman font throughout, with double spaced lines.

Please indicate the different Heading levels when structuring your article as follows:

  • Heading level 1: bold, centred
  • Heading level 2: bold, left aligned
  • Heading level 3: italics, left aligned 


Figures and Tables

You may paste figures and tables into the article at the position you would like them to appear (approximately) or place them at the end of the article. We may request separate higher quality editable materials if your article is accepted for publication.

Make sure each figure or table has a caption in the following format:

Figure 1. The model of sustainability.

Table 1. Demographic information.

You must have obtained permission to reproduce materials from other published sources. Please include permission information in the caption if necessary.

Please include a “callout” in the text for each element. For example, “see Figure 1.”


Cover Page

All submissions should be submitted with a separate Cover page, which does not go to the reviewers.

Please include the following information:

  • Title of manuscript
  • Exact word count (article text, not including references or abstract).
  • Names of all authors, in the order intended for publication, with their affiliation. Please provide ORCID ids (web link) for any authors who have them.
  • Name and email address of corresponding author.
  • A short biography for each author, starting with their name (around 75 words maximum).
  • Abstract and keywords (see below)—you may also include this in your article file.

Please include the following headings and information in your Cover Page (edited as necessary).

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declare no conflict of interest. Please EDIT this text if this is not the case.


None. Please EDIT to provide details of any funding that directly supported the study.

Acknowledgements (optional). Please do not include the funding information in this section.


Abstract and Keywords

The abstract should be written as a single paragraph. Maximum length 200 words.

Please also include up to five keywords, below your abstract. If relevant, following the keywords please indicate which of the journal’s themes the manuscript best falls under. If the manuscript clearly fits within more than one theme, please list them in order of relevance.

Please do not include citations in your abstract. Generally, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used. If an abbreviation occurs multiple times in the abstract, spell out in full initially, e.g., World Health Organization (WHO).


Article Types

The journal welcomes Articles (research articles), Voices from the Trenches (articles written by social work practitioners or people who use social work services), Letters to the Editors, and Book Reviews, and may invite other kinds of publication on Special Topics from time to time. If your proposed submission does not fall into one of the categories, please feel free to contact us to discuss.

Word Length

Word counts should not include the abstract or references but should include any tables. Please contact the journal if you wish to submit a longer, or shorter, article.

Articles—research articles should normally be between 4,000–9,000 words.

Voices from the Trenches—these may be somewhat shorter than research articles, if applicable.



All identifying information, including author’s name in citations and references must be removed from the article itself.

Include citations to your work but replace the author(s) name with ‘Author: for example, “Author (2003)”. Do not list references that are by the author(s). The corresponding reference will be added later if the article is published.

If possible, remove your personal information from the Word document itself. How to do this depends on your version of Word but is usually under Preferences—Security/remove personal information. For information (as of 2024) see



Please submit articles in Canadian English or in French.

If you are submitting a manuscript that you have written in a language other than your native tongue, please indicate this on the cover page. You are strongly advised to ask a native speaker to check your article prior to submission or consider using a language editing service. Prior to sending the manuscript for review, the editorial team may provide editorial suggestions or feedback to assist authors writing in a second/third language, but they cannot provide extensive assistance.

Accepted articles will be copyedited prior to publication but will not receive extensive developmental editing.



If references are not in APA 7 style your article may be returned for formatting before further consideration by the journal. There are many “Quick Guides to APA 7 References” available online—for example,

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.